Monday, 9 August 2021




If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

You gave your life to Christ. You got the baptism of the Holy Spirit. You pray and God answers. You follow all the do's and don'ts of God......YET your neighbourhood is run by children of darkness....... It's all your fault.

The bible says "faith without works is nothing". This could mean praying without putting the effort is fruitless.

Do an audit prayed today/yesterday.....analyse what you prayed for.

You prayed for yourself 95% (self, siblings,friends) and prayed for Nigeria and the world 5%.

And you wonder why thieves are disturbing your neighbourhood. The king of Glory has not been invited to take charge. You invited Him into your home ONLY. You will not attend community meetings to make suggestions and pray for the leaders (it's not your thing to go or you don't like the calibre of people there)

It's all your fault.

You wonder why your neighbours are always fighting. But you've not befriend the husband/wife (whichever is your own gender) in order to gently and lovingly introduce him/her to your maker. You are even one of those who have judged and tagged the man/woman as the guilty one.

If they maim/kill themselves. It's all your fault.

Do you pray for your colleagues at work? Are you sincerely concerned about them and when you know 1 or 2 of their pain-points do you put them before God OFTEN?

If they get depressed and kill themselves or brings a gun to work and kill others, it's all your fault.

And it goes on and on.....all around us

The bible calls us the light of the world. It calls us the salt of the earth. Imagine the light just lighting himself and not the whole room or the salt just "salting" himself and not the whole food........that's a valid reason for that light/salt to be trashed.

If God wants our salvation to benefit only our family, we will not leave home nor work outside our family business.

From the story of the rich man and Lazarus..... Luke 16:19-31. That rich man was not cruel to Lazarus. Even his dogs licked Lazarus wounds...meaning they were not aggressive towards Lazarus. He was not so irritated and angry that Lazarus was siting in front of his house that he commands Lazarus to go away. To himself, that rich man count himself to be a good man. He  was good to his family also. He loves them to the extent that they were his concern when he found himself in hell.

But heaven saw that he did not do enough for others.

Let Matthew 25:40 be our point of meditation. "And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." If it's Christ, will the rich man just leave him there?

So I call on all armies of the Most High God who have been watching only their homes to arise now and take their neighbourhood,  LGA, State, Nation and the world for the King of Kings.

Heal our land Lord! Use me!


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