Friday, 6 May 2022



When the king of Israel saw them, he asked Elisha, “Shall I kill them, my father?(L) Shall I kill them?” 2Kings 6:15

He said, “May God deal with me, be it ever so severely, if the head of Elisha son of Shaphat remains on his shoulders today!” 2Kings 6:31

The 2 statements above are from the same person to the same person in the same chapter of the bible. From the king of Israel to Elisha.

What can cause someone who calls "Father" to threaten murder? It's "SAPA".

According to modern dictionary, SAPA is a term used in Nigerian Pidgin English to describe a state of being extremely broke or poor.


The early part of 1Kings 6 tells us of when God (by Elisha's hand) brought the army of Aram to Samaria like ram but they were fed and freed without being harmed.

The later part of 1Kings 6 tells us of when this same army of Aram besieged Samaria to the extent that mothers started eating their children. What an abomination!.

After God had done wonders through Elisha and given Israel victory several times over this army and the same army came back, the king would have gone to Elisha several times to ask for God's direction/word concerning the next course of action.

The king would have consulted Elisha in secret

The king would have consulted Elisha in public

The king would have called Elisha to his palace

The king would have gone to Elisha's house/church.

Does the scenarios above sound familiar concerning your country?

Meanwhile, the people would have criticized the king, criticized Elisha and criticized God. Even at that, the scarcity continued with no end in sight. 

Sounds familiar?

It was not a war, it was not even a famine (no rain), it was a lockdown.

Then God spoke....and again SAPA struck the mouth of the man on whose arm the king was leaning and he made the comment that excluded him from the coming abundance.

Ladies and Gentlemen, when SAPA strikes, are you going to be like the women who ate their children? Like the man who got excluded or you will be led by the good shepherd in Psalm 23 like Elisha and the four men with leprosy. 

Just like in the bible, to bring abundance, God might not use Elisha or the king as He did before, God can decide to use you who everyone (including yourself) has written off. Are you useful for good unto God? 

In this season ,will you be a vessel onto honour or dishonor? A child of God or a dog?

In all this,Elisha lived in abundance. How did I know? He was hosting the elders of Israel when the king came to meet him in anger. How Elisha got the abundance is also in the book of 2Kings. Tell us in the comments section if you know. 


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