Tuesday, 22 November 2022


 Then it came to pass, in the third year, that Jehoshaphat the king of Judah went down to visit the king of Israel. 1 Kings 22:2

So he said to Jehoshaphat, “Will you go with me to fight at Ramoth Gilead?” 1 Kings 22:4

Dear Child of God,

Do you know that when you are abiding under the shadow of the Almighty, you should not be walking around aimlessly? Jehosaphat was visiting someone who is sharing his inheritance with him. 

Do you know that when the Lord is your shepherd, you should not connect to a network that God does not approve? How much more, someone who is in possession of your inheritance.

Several professional coaches and motivational speakers tells us "your network is your net worth" so some of us are looking for alliances at all cost not caring what God is saying concerning that person.

1 Kings 22:41-43 tells us that Jehosaphat did what was right in the sight of the Lord. Imagine God's surprise when his beloved Jehosaphat decided to "network" with his fellow king AHAB, JEZEBEL'S HUSBAND. HA!

Afterall, Ahab is king over 10 Israeli cities and Jehosaphat is king over 2 cities. So networking higher is the key. Right? Wrong!

King Jehosaphat got more than what he bargained for when he went to war with his new friend. That network connection nearly killed him if not for the mercy of God and he learnt his lesson.

He cautioned himself such that when Ahab's son wanted an alliance concerning ships, Jehosaphat said no. "Once bitten, twice shy".

You have started following your "friend" to events. Are you networking within the will of God or outside? 

Please note, I am not saying that networking is wrong, but concerning a child of God, "all things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not". 1 Corinthians 10:23.

Let's be guided. Let your networking be like David and Jonathan to avoid "stories that touch" like Dinah. 


Monday, 21 November 2022



You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you Genesis 41:40

Now Joseph was the governor of the land, the person who sold grain to all its people. Genesis 42:6

I love Joseph. I don't know how he got his mindset , since the other children lack the same God-fearing mind,  I can only conclude that he was taught by God Himself. 

His story has taught me so many lessons, some of which are Humility, Patience, Joy at all times, etc.

Today's bible study is about Joseph's diligence to work after being promoted. His self discipline when faced with responsibilities after he has been blessed by God.

Genesis 41:40 tells us how important Joseph became in Egypt. Genesis 42: 6 made us to understand that he took his responsibility so serious that he did not assign it to anyone else.

As the "number 2" man in Egypt, Joseph was personally selling the grains. Wow!

Hello child of God, after God promoted you, that's when you won't even supervise the job you were assigned to do. You call in once-a-day and ask "is everything okay?". And you are crying that you did not carry out fraud. Sorry, collecting salary for what you did not do is fraud.

Hello child of God, you have 1 shop and 1 sales girl, suddenly, you can't get to the shop before 11am; and you're wondering why your business is not growing?

You have just 1 house help and suddenly, you can't do your primary duty in the house. 

Let me ask you, who will be asked to give account for the job or business or family? Is it your colleagues at work? Your sales girl/boy, your house help or you? 

Do you have the diligence to nurture what God has placed in your hands? Don't forget that whatever you lay your hands on shall prosper. 

Add diligence to spiritual grace so that you will flourish like a tree planted by the rivers of water, whose leaves shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper. So that when men are saying that there's a casting down, you will say that there's a lifting up. 


Thursday, 25 August 2022



On the following day, when they came from Bethany, he was hungry. And seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to see if he could find anything on it. When he came to it, he found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. And he said to it, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” And his disciples heard it. Mark 11:12-14

As a young girl reading the bible, I have always wondered why Jesus will curse a tree that did not bear fruit out of season. As I understand the "kingdom principles", I came to understand why. The answer is in plain sight.

The answer is in Mark 11:12, Jesus was hungry. John 10:14 says "just as the Father knows me and I know the Father", this means that God the father knew that Jesus will be hungry when he is coming from Bethany and so would have prepared what Jesus will eat.

Please note, that if it is not a test (as Jesus got when he left the wilderness after 40 days, God will always prepare ahead of His children).

Meaning that the fig tree was given more-than-enough nutrients in order to produce out of season but it decided to stick to "that's how we do it" and brought out more and more leaves... instead of listening to "what the Spirit is saying" to the tree and use the extra to produce fruits.

Dear Christian, I know you might not accept this but there is a level you reach is Christ that you will realize that we are not called to follow the bible. We are called to follow Christ.

The paragraph above does not mean the bible is thrown in the trash (it would already be a part of you).... it means that there are some instructions (not a sin) that the spirit of God will give you that will not be normal.

The fig tree used the extra blessing it got to look good... same as the rich man who had a bountiful harvest and God killed him.

Child of God, do you see that pattern? If you receive favour from God, don't buy more things, or expand your barn, bless others. That is why we are encouraged to acknowledge Him in all of our ways so He will and He shall direct our path.

Let God approve your plans...ALL of it, not most of your plans....ALL, including your giving, acknowledge Him. So you won't take a wrong step that can get you cursed.

Also let your enjoyment after a blessing receive approval from above so that you don't get cursed for being selfish. We will all give account of all heaven's resources in our care.


Friday, 15 July 2022


 There was a pot. it's a favorite of the woman. Anytime an important event is to be catered for or an important visitor is to come, she will cook with that pot. 

She makes different types of delicacies. African and continental dishes. It turns out looking and tasting great.

She receives compliments whenever she cooks with that pot. People will always ask for more. 

This makes the woman very happy with the pot. She personally wash the pot with great care and hangs it right.

One day, she wants to use the pot and it refused. The pot said the woman should wait. 

She asked if it was in pains, the pot said no, it's broken, the pot said no, the pot just wants to dictate to the woman as it thought that the woman does not have a choice.

Immediately, the woman took a stool, climbed up her shelve and brought down a new pot of the same size as the pot and started cooking with it. 

The old pot waited for the guests to complain that the food was not tasty as it thought that it was his power/skill that makes the food tasty. Rather, the woman got more compliments.

That was when the old pot realized that it was just a glorified vessel. All the wonders that the people are testifying to is as a result of the woman's skill.

The old pot was taken to the top of the shelve and left there. No special wash or special space. All benefits withdrawn.

Are you that old pot? Your intelligence, your salvation, your beauty, your anointing, money, kindness, education, connection, family, etc.... do you think it's your ability/power? Sorry to shock you, it's ALL GOD, you are just a vessel.

God used you because you are available. Any rebellion from you will cause you to be replaced because "The king's business requires haste".

May we not be proud in Jesus name.


Tuesday, 28 June 2022



Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel. 1 Chronicles 19:1

When I read the above passage, I remembered the war in Ukraine. A president's (king) decision caused the war. 

A president's (king) decision caused the Iraqi war. The Costs of War project at Brown University revealed that 20 years of post-9/11 wars have cost the U.S. an estimated $8 trillion and have killed more than 900,000 people. (https://www.brown.edu/news/2021-09-01/costsofwar) 

Life and death decisions are made every second of the day by leaders (president, governor, councillor, chairmen, kings, chiefs, fathers, mother's, etc)

David,  was a king that God chose Himself in 1Samiel 16 but he is still a man who "got moved" by Satan to act in a way that 70,000 men of Israel fell in one night (1Chronicles 21: 14). A king that was loved, who got the support of the majority of Israelites and was prayed for (probably) made a very costly decision.

Now, how do you think a king that was disliked/cursed by his nation will behave? 

It is time for us to pray for our leaders; from the lowest level in our homes/communities to the highest level. The masses suffer for their good or bad decisions. 

Our bible chapter did not say any of David's sons died, the war in Ukraine has not killed any son of both presidents; only children of the masses.

The decision of a leader caused so many military operations in Eastern Nigeria, the civil war, June 12 saga,Endsars bloodshed, etc.

Can you still curse your leaders or you will now pray for God to grant them wisdom 24/7, bring Godly men around them and cause them to fear Him at all times.

Let's say a word of prayer for our leaders. They will be filled with heavenly wisdom in Jesus name. Amen.


Friday, 6 May 2022



When the king of Israel saw them, he asked Elisha, “Shall I kill them, my father?(L) Shall I kill them?” 2Kings 6:15

He said, “May God deal with me, be it ever so severely, if the head of Elisha son of Shaphat remains on his shoulders today!” 2Kings 6:31

The 2 statements above are from the same person to the same person in the same chapter of the bible. From the king of Israel to Elisha.

What can cause someone who calls "Father" to threaten murder? It's "SAPA".

According to modern dictionary, SAPA is a term used in Nigerian Pidgin English to describe a state of being extremely broke or poor.


The early part of 1Kings 6 tells us of when God (by Elisha's hand) brought the army of Aram to Samaria like ram but they were fed and freed without being harmed.

The later part of 1Kings 6 tells us of when this same army of Aram besieged Samaria to the extent that mothers started eating their children. What an abomination!.

After God had done wonders through Elisha and given Israel victory several times over this army and the same army came back, the king would have gone to Elisha several times to ask for God's direction/word concerning the next course of action.

The king would have consulted Elisha in secret

The king would have consulted Elisha in public

The king would have called Elisha to his palace

The king would have gone to Elisha's house/church.

Does the scenarios above sound familiar concerning your country?

Meanwhile, the people would have criticized the king, criticized Elisha and criticized God. Even at that, the scarcity continued with no end in sight. 

Sounds familiar?

It was not a war, it was not even a famine (no rain), it was a lockdown.

Then God spoke....and again SAPA struck the mouth of the man on whose arm the king was leaning and he made the comment that excluded him from the coming abundance.

Ladies and Gentlemen, when SAPA strikes, are you going to be like the women who ate their children? Like the man who got excluded or you will be led by the good shepherd in Psalm 23 like Elisha and the four men with leprosy. 

Just like in the bible, to bring abundance, God might not use Elisha or the king as He did before, God can decide to use you who everyone (including yourself) has written off. Are you useful for good unto God? 

In this season ,will you be a vessel onto honour or dishonor? A child of God or a dog?

In all this,Elisha lived in abundance. How did I know? He was hosting the elders of Israel when the king came to meet him in anger. How Elisha got the abundance is also in the book of 2Kings. Tell us in the comments section if you know. 
