Monday, 31 December 2012


It is very hard to swim against the tide. Even though my swimming skill is poor, I know that it requires “something extra” character-wise to follow an instruction that is against your very own survival instinct.

Mary was told she will bear a child without being married and knowing the moral implication of that, she still accepted after just asking how this can be. That is obedience of the highest order.

(Luke 1:38) I am the Lord's servant,” said Mary; “may it happen to me as you have said.” And the angel left her.

From the acceptance of Mary to the dedication of Jesus, there were several confirmations of the word of the angel;
·         From Joseph after he had his dream

·         Elizabeth when Mary went to visit

·         The 3 wise men at the manger Jesus was born

·         Simeon at Jerusalem Temple who was promised he will not die until he sees the Messiah

·         Widow named Anna, daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Asher also spoke at the temple where Jesus dedication took place

Mary’s obedience brought the Messiah at the time he came. I believe if Mary did not allow herself to be used, God can still use another person but it will still require the woman’s obedience to be pregnant without the proper manner.

What benefit has your obedience brought? What havoc has your disobedience brought too? No matter how difficult the instruction is, if you have confirmed that the word is from the Most High God,  please obey now, and the confirmations (in plural) will follow.

Remember, when God was sending his messenger to deliver the Isrealites’ He confirmed to Moses twice that He is with him at the spot;
·         Walking stick turned to snake

·         Hand covered with white spots

When Moses tried to refuse due to his speech impairment, God pointed Aaron out as speaker for him (Exodus 4)

What is it the voice of God is asking you to do? Step out in faith. I am still struggling in some aspects of obedience, I pray God grants us the grace to follow whenever He calls. Amen!

Happy New Year !!!

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