In those days, Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And when he came up out of the water, immediately he saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased." The Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. And he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. And he was with the wild animals, and the angels were ministering to him. Luke 1: 9-13
Jesus baptism experience must have been an exhilarating experience for him but what happened next will make a mortal man question if he actually heard God speak "or was it my imagination?".
God spoke straight from heaven at river Jordan but afterwards, wilderness, satan and wild animals took over. Thank God for the angels.
The angels here means that there will be rays of light, times of refreshing even on that journey of trials so you won't be totally discouraged.
Are you are on that kind of journey currently? If know the voice of your shepherd, please press on. There are days when you will ask The Father... "is this part of the journey or I've digressed?" But, still press on.
This message is for those who recognize the voice of their shepherd and who heard Him clearly. Not those who were told by someone that "God said".
Don't get me wrong, God can send someone to give you a message but the burden is on you to meet YOUR FATHER to confirm what He said. This confirmation keeps you standing till the end.
Your time might be 40days, 400 days, years, decades. No matter how long, you will overcome and come back rejoicing.
Joy comes in the morning