Sunday, 25 December 2016


We all know that God is everywhere, even in our hearts; so, what do I mean by God visiting. Two bible passages led me to personally look forward to such visits to my home and I want you to do same.

The first passage is Mark 5 Verses 1-20 told us about Jesus healing the man with the legion of demons. It saw Jesus coming off a boat (verse1), healing the man, sitting with the man (verse 15) and leaving the town (verse 21). If this is not a personal visit, I don’t know what is!

The second passage is Genesis 18 Verses 1-15 told us of the visit of the 3 angels to Abraham while on their way to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. It saw the 3 men standing beside Abraham, his invitation for them to rest a little, the men ate, gave Abraham’s household a gift and left to destroy  Sodom and Gomorrah. That is also a personal visit!

I want us to take note of something…. For each of those visits, there was a divine impartation that made the receiver(s) a new person. When I said new person, I mean…;

And several other beautiful ways of newness.

Before that day, God’s promise of children to Abraham has never been said face-to-face; the day the promise was said face-to-face, nothing could delay it. Not even Sarah’s laugh of unbelief. Nor was the mad man’s aggression enough to cancel his appointment with The Destiny Changer. Done Deal!

Don’t forget that God will NOT visit a house that is not His own. Does your heart, home, TV (cable and DVD), laptop, desktop, phone, iPad, spouse, children, job, business, etc belong to Him? Surrender it all to Him now and expect your family’s day of visitation very soon, there is still so much hours before this year ends.


Friday, 2 December 2016


I am yet to see a guest for an event preparing and putting effort into entertainment plans for his host’s event. So, Christians worldwide, why are you worried about how you will celebrate this Christmas (cloth, food, drinks, outings, e.t.c)? Do you think God does not know it’s the anniversary of His son’s birth on earth? The same God that gave Israelites’ daily, weekly, monthly and yearly feasts/festivals (feast of Unleavened bread, Passover, Pentecost, First fruits, e.t.c)?

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever…. The bible told us what God can do with little or nothing. If He can feed 100 men with 20 loaves of barley bread and grain in a knapsack through Prophet Elisha (2Kings 4:42-44) and even did better with 5 loaves and 2 fishes for 5000 men through Jesus Christ (John 6:7-13), why can’t He cloth, feed, entertain, trip you with the little amount in your pocket. Don’t forget 2Kings 4:43b which says “They shall eat and have some leftover” and John 14:12 told us that we will do greater works than Jesus Christ.

With the “recession”, high cost of things and little money at hand you are worried about yourself or your family’s Christmas experience this year, maybe your business has not be moving well in months or you’ve even been laid-off during “right-sizing”, I am talking to myself and also to you…

#KeepCalm #God’sSon’sBirthdayLoading #He’sgotyourback

Note: He will only do this for those who are His own… Are you His? Does your plans glorify God or the devil? Choose Christ and watch Him give you a beautiful Christmas with beautiful leftovers of more than enough for the next 12months plus (#12baskets).
