Wednesday, 23 March 2016


He is called The Unchangeable Changer; thinking about so many things this evening and I remembered the words I used to encourage a friend some months ago. “If this organization asked you to go today, has God told you that He is no longer in control? Don’t you know that this is part of His plan for you to get to where He wants to take you to?”

So many points in our lives which counts as “still waters” as said in Psalm 23 (stagnant situation), but let’s not forget that “He leads me”, He is still with you in it. The enemy might plan it for bad but God turns it around for your good.

So many examples in the bible of where God did a turnaround in people’s lives and destiny from “still waters” to living water. From seemingly hopeless situations to a wonderful turnaround, from nothing to something priceless.
1, Sarah (from barren to mother)
2, Jabez (son of sorrow’s destiny changed)
3, Joseph (sold to slavery becomes a savior)
4, Tomb Mad Man (from legions of demons to being at the foot of Christ)
5, Lazarus and Dorcas (dead and brought back to life)
6, Zaccheus (Corrupt official to a righteous philanthropist)
7, Apostle Paul (from Saul the prosecutor to Christ’s apostle)

The most amazing turnaround which we often overlook is the one in Genesis 1; from “the earth was void and without form and darkness covers the face of the deep” to the amazing sights we see around us to today; the 7 wonders of the world, water falls, hills, sunsets, exotic animals, flowers, foods, e.t.c.

God is still in the turnaround business; He has not retired nor is he asleep; Wait on Him, I say wait and He will not fail. The bible says “……the expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off”, the clause being “the righteous”. Without Christ, turnaround is not guaranteed from God.

Accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour today and let God “lead you” through it all, you can’t survive it alone.
