Tuesday, 13 January 2015


I was led to read Esther and it triggered the memory of other women in the bible whose action had serious/far-reaching consequences (See list of a few below).  Chapter 1 told me the magnitude of King Ahasuerus’ empire (“over an hundred and seven and twenty provinces” KJV) and google showed me that India to Ethiopia is 4,310km which is 453.92hrs of brisk walk (no sleep, no rest). This is not a mushroom man; this is a man that has power and so is not used to rejection. But he got rejected by Queen Vashti because God wants someone to be in a position to help His people when the enemy raises his head in future (don’t forget God “knows the end from the beginning thereof”).
Good Consequence
·         Queen Esther (Esther)
·         Rahab the prostitute (Joshua)
·         Ruth (Ruth)
·         Virgin Mary (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John)
Bad Consequence
·         Eve (Genesis)
·         Queen Vashti (Esther)
·         Delilah (Judges)
·         Jezebel (1Kings)

As women, we give life; every action of ours carries consequences either to ourselves, our spouse, children or descendants. Let us choose wisely…. There are times when it seems the world is not fair and we are made to give, give and give; let us know that our reward will come and when it comes, the people that were mocking us for being stupid will envy us.

This does not say you should stay in a life threatening situation without being led by the Spirit of God HIMSELF; what I am saying is for you to be like God who GAVE His son and when the Son ascended, He SENT the Holy Spirit. God gave and is still giving till today but where He is not wanted, He leaves....... and waits.

God will help us to make the right decisions always. Amen.