Monday, 29 December 2014


Looking at the picture of the bear in the middle of the stream, it further buttresses the fact that God caters for His creatures; even those who cannot cultivate fields and store food. This bear only has to stroll to that stream, position himself strategically and open his eyes/mouth. The food just comes jumping up and he eats as much as he likes or as much as his catching skill allows.

Note that the bear did not come to lunch with the remnant of his previous meal; he came empty-handed trusting that THIS meal is certain.

The bear’s picture reminded me of one of the verses in Psalm 23. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies (Verse 5a). None of us goes to lunch with the remnant from breakfast; we come empty-handed just like the bear and God provides. Being empty-handed signifies that there is “capacity to receive”; it is a signal to heaven that the next blessing is being awaited!

Let’s stop being deceitful with our tithes (calculating from net income instead of gross income) by remembering the boy with the 2fishes and 5 loaves who gave his ALL and got 12 baskets back from the ALL SUFFICIENT GOD. This write-up is not for us to be frivolous in spending nor stop saving, this is to wake us up to the words that says store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal” Mathew 6:20. This is to urge us to live our lives under the guidance of the Holy Spirit because “what good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?” mark 8:36-37

The bible asked us to learn from the ants (in being hardworking) and I’m also asking us to learn from the bear (in being guided by and trusting HIM) who positioned himself where his lunch is to be served; let’s ask Him to lead us to Trust Him to provide for us so that fear of the future, greed or any of the “lusts” (lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life) will not be found in us.

He is the God of ALL flesh (man and animal), is ANYTHING too difficult for Him to do?




For going MIA (Missing In Action).

For letting my readers eagerly waiting for each and every post down .

For allowing events and circumstances distract me from posting messages.


That I’m back, better and stronger.

That I’m going to pass THE message across as often as I’m given.

 No distraction will keep me away.


Thursday, 8 May 2014


Dear Friend,

You left without saying goodbye….. your family said you knew it was time…but to me, you left suddenly. Babe, you promised me something and obviously, you cannot fulfill it anymore and as I type this, I weep; I feel my head ache after so much tears but I still cry. It hurts me that I could not come for your baby’s dedication several months ago but I could spare time for a condolence visit now that you are no more. I AM SO SORRY!

Celebrating you as your mother said, I came to identify the joy of you being among the lucky few who were given “notice period” for their end date….and as a sharp babe, you made peace with all men and with your creator; I know that you are with Christ. I am still here in this sinful world wondering what tomorrow will bring meanwhile, because of His love for you, He has saved you from further pain.

This is my way of bidding you farewell my dear friend, this is to say “death where is your sting”. I pray none of your family or friend will have to go this way, your death sends a message to us all; it says

·         It could be sudden, it could be gradual, we will leave one day; where am I going to spend my eternity?

·         Go for cancer screening, there is no age that is too young.


Tuesday, 18 March 2014


In the Holy Bible, we have passages declaring blessings on the children of God. I try praying and meditating with those passages and claiming them for me and my family; but the passage below opened my eyes to a whole new way of personalizing these blessings.

And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them. Mark 10:16.

Just like the regular tales of childhood that every mother tells a grown child, imagine being told by your mother that when you were younger, Jesus Christ came to preach in the neighborhood and before the end of his preaching, he called you and your friends out and blessed you.

I know that if I was told that kind of story, my outlook on life will differ. Whenever I want to make a decision, it would be easier; whenever I face challenges, I would be at peace; whenever I face trials i will pray with greater conviction that I am being heard; because I know that the Son Himself placed HIS hands on me and blessed me. I will close my eyes every time I need to feel HIM close to me and my whole world will be at peace.

But really, since the bible was written from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, every word in it should be personalized; every blessing written is from the mouth of our Creator and is to be treated as such. So, from now on;

·         I will walk as if I can see the angels on guard around me (a thousand shall fall by my right...)

·         I will plan as if God HIMSELF gave me the implementation plan (a voice in my ear...).

·         I will pray as if I am the Assistant Commander in Chief of the Host of Heaven (Those who rise against me shall be confounded....).

·         I will speak as if “like Moses” I hear from the Most High’s mouth directly (My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth..)

·         I will decree things as if they already are (Arise, shine, for your light has come ...)

·         I will live because His word to me is “I am the God of ALL flesh…Is there anything too difficult for me to do”

Because already in all areas...I am blessed.
What of you? Will you?


Thursday, 23 January 2014


When I look at the laws of Moses which was straight from the Lord’s mouth and the Holy Bible; both are meant to guide mortal steps with the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew chapter 12 and John 4 struck a chord in me.

1.       Jesus’ disciples were acting contrary to the law and Jesus said “it’s alright”. Does this mean that;

·         The law laid down by God himself from Moses does not matter here?

·         They have not done contrary to the will of God?

·         Things are not as it seems?

2.       Let’s look at when the adulterous woman was brought to him also; the Lord says “Neither do I condemn you..” From that moment ALL her sins have been forgiven her!

·         If she will pass by your husband and you “keep an eye” on her…YOU ARE THE SINNER.

·         If she preach the gospel to you and you scoff at her…. YOU WILL BE CONDEMED

3.       By the well with the Samaritan woman when Jesus says “the man you now have is not your husband….” Does this mean that..

·         Where the world sees her as being a wife the 5th time, Christ saw her as a single woman?

·         So, where God says “I hate divorce” does not apply to her because she can leave her current “husband” and God will not mark her books that she is divorced!

·         If a man is to be directed to her from heaven, will the man be told that she never had a husband?

These three instances tell us that “Judgment is mine.. says the Lord”!!!  That woman/man you think it’s glaring is a sinner might not be; while you who are pointing the accusing finger have sinned. Remember that Christ spoke about those who will be tod "depart from me.... i know you not..."

The word of God says Christ’s crucifixion has stopped the curse of the law from being a curse for us. It is written that cursed is he that hanged on a tree. But from that “hanging”, redemption came to mankind. 

That is why we.. who are lawful captives can be set free from all curses, from all debts (known or unknown).


Tuesday, 7 January 2014


The end and the beginning of a year signify many things to many people.  We “take stock”, thinking of where we are coming from, where we are, where we are going and how we get there and we make resolutions. I have stopped tagging them resolutions a long time ago but I have things I want to do in a new year and this year is no different. I need to make a move on some things as soon as possible and I have started making the move on others.

We do resolutions to do some things differently, to do some new things and/or to stop old habits. A lot of us got new things for ourselves as the year was rounding up and if we are the selfless type, we also bought for friends and/or family.

God is also giving and doing new things. “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19

Do you need to key into this scripture for the new things expected for this year? Those seemingly impossible things you want?  Those “pipe dreams” you talk yourself out of? Those "way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland" dreams? It's time for it to come true.

Please sit up, take action and key into the new things God is prepared to do because He has more than enough to go round.