Wednesday, 4 December 2013


I look out across the lagoon this special morning and realized how special humans are and how wonderful God is. Looking at the water, it came to me that water does not have replacement; it’s either water or others.

As the bible rightly says, the human mind cannot comprehend the magnitude of God whose names are (but not limited to); the MOST HIGH GOD, the LIVING GOD, the UNCHANGEABLE CHANGER, the MERCIFUL GOD, the LORD STRONG AND MIGHTY, the I AM THAT IAM, GOD THE FATHER.

Everything created by God for those 6 days + humans does not have a replacement.

·         You can’t compare natural daylight with artificial lightening

·         You can’t have a structure/pillar as solid as the separation of sky from ground

·         No dam can separate the water of the whole world as God did to bring land

·         No supplement can take the place of farm-grown plants; either leaf, seed, tuber,  e.t.c.

·         Beef or fish are in a class of their own.

·         What about the Sun, Moon and Stars?  They are a masterpiece. Setting seasons and times.


I was created by God and do not have a substitute. No one else has my genetic makeup. No laboratory can re-create the most useless part of me (my excrete) with all its contents and ..yes, nutrients.  I am special.

On this special day, I am saying to my special God a special THANK YOU for being my God. He did not die for me because I am faithful or holy, not my parents’ purity or my ancestors’ righteousness; it’s God’s grace and mercy upon me.

I am not a limited edition, I am not one in a million, it’s just me in the whole world. I AM SPECIAL

Friday, 6 September 2013


In Chapter 14 and 16, Samson fell in love; but he did not fall in love according to the will of God for Israelites; he fell in love OUTSIDE the will of God; for someone who “led Israel for twenty years in the days of the Philistines” Judges 15:20, he cannot claim ignorance of the law of the Lord which forbids them from marrying from the Philistines!

Since none of Samson’s love do not stand for anything of God, it means that they have alliances, groups and caucus of several people not of God. This simply means that in loving Delilah, Samson is now within the reach of lots of things/persons/danger not of God.

Samson’s love, Delilah showed her treacherous side several times but Samson was able to overcome her because he preserved what/who he is; he was able to keep that thing linking him to Heaven….His Hair! Until he let down his guard thinking “it is nothing” and he met his death from that single decision.

I have my own Delilah (e.g. idle talks) that I am yet to let go of totally and I know it is dangerous even though talking is not a sin.  Even though the school of thought says that “it is nothing” even though I know better; it could LEAD to sin (gossip, backbiting, lies, e.t.c.).

What is your Delilah?

·         Like me, is it idle talk which could lead to gossip, backbiting and/or lies.

·         Love of food which makes it difficult for you to fast.

·         Sleep, that affects your prayer times ALWAYS.

·         Watching many movies which consume your time so much that you don’t study your bible.

·         Gossip which is almost the same as backbiting and could also be lying.

·         “Harmless lies” which grows into harmful lies.

·         Aggressive ambition which leads you to do/go what/where you are not supposed to do/go.

·         Procrastination

·         Let the Holy Spirit reveal several others hiding in you…..

Just like Samson, these “harmless” sins can kill our spiritual strength. It can wreck homes, ministries and even generations (ask Gehazi). If not for the Grace of God, I would have been consumed. The flaw that has destroyed many did not destroy me because of Grace. The “gist” that have sent some people to jail did not cross my ears at that time (I’m serious oh).

I still pray for the removal of Delilah from me and I pray it will not kill nor destroy me before it is gone. Are you praying for the Samson in you not to fall in the hands of Delilah? Do you have faith that God can do it? Don’t forget that faith without work is dead; as you pray about it, and you have the grace to manage it, please work towards letting it go.

 If not for the grace of God where will I have been? 2 Corinthians 12: 8-10.

That’s why it is called AMAZING GRACE.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013


When people demand bribe and generally act in a corrupt manner, we fail to acknowledge greed in their action but easily “pass the buck” to poverty. Today, we are introduced to Gehazi in chapter 4 and from the little things to the big thing he did I can’t help but think he is naturally just a bad person hiding under the shadow of a prophet.

Before Elisha could sentence Gehazi and his generation to an eternity of leprosy, it was an accumulation of previous grievous faults (written and not written in the bible) because I am sure Elisha had come a long way from the Elisha in Chapter 2 who caused the death of 42 boys!

Gehazi shows us that not everyone working with a Man of God is Godly. Gehazi also shows us that we should not label a ministry from the behavior of the workers in that ministry. Even our lord Jesus Christ had a traitor/thief among his disciples! Judas was there for a reason but I still wonder why Gehazi was placed with Elisha.

Nobody is immune to the vices of the devil including people working in the Lord’s vineyard; so we should be as careful when interacting with them too.

We were charged to “test the spirit”; let’s not forget that.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013


I am sure we have all wondered why father Abraham will go into his wife’s maid despite the assurance from God Himself that Abraham and Sarah will be parents to a whole nation.

o   Are you righteously thinking of the Word that said “wait for the appointed time, even though it tarries….” ?

Are you sure that you did not laugh at Isaiah when he ran away from Jezebel despite his recent defeat of more than 300 prophets of baal which showed that God was with him?

o   Thinking of “touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm….” right?
Like me, did you also wonder why the Israelites were afraid of the giant inhabitants of Canaan despite God assuring them of victory?

o   We know of “heaven & earth can pass away but my word does not return void…” hmm?

Even I believe that I can never do as King Solomon did by eventually turning to idolatry despite his beginning with the Lord.

o   It rings in my ears that “let he who thinks he stands take heed, lest he fall…”

My “flash-scriptures” above and several more instances and supporting scripture running through our individual minds are sins of impatience/doubt on the part of the perpetuators. But let us ask ourselves; are we not guilty of the same things in our own lives?

At one time or the other we have been promised something  by God and we had faith (at that moment) that He is more than able to do it and thanking Him in advance for it; but during that difficult and trying period of waiting, we go weary and look for alternatives. We even second-guess what we heard from God and think “maybe it was not God, Maybe I did not test the spirit sufficiently to know if it’s the Lord or maybe God meant something else”

Let’s not forget that Abraham’s “alternative” result into the Israeli/Palestine war that is plaguing Abraham’s generation till date and the Israelite’s fear of the Canaanites resulted into 40 years wandering in the wilderness where the doubting generation had to die!!!

We should be VERY careful about our decisions and its consequences when it comes to manipulating God’s promises to suit our weary minds. Even when what we currently see is not even close to what we were promised, let us not forget that “wait for the appointed time, even though it tarries….”

We are not perfect, that is why we ask for Grace to follow Him till the end. Let us hold on. His Grace is sufficient for us.



Thursday, 20 June 2013


We call him Rabbi, which means teacher. Do you ever wonder what God can teach you? The bible passage below shows the unlimited teaching ability of the Holy Spirit.

But when God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, my immediate response was not to consult any human being. I did not go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before I was, but I went into Arabia. Later I returned to Damascus.

Then after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Cephas and stayed with him fifteen days.  I saw none of the other apostles—only James, the Lord’s brother.  I assure you before God that what I am writing you is no lie.

Then I went to Syria and Cilicia. I was personally unknown to the churches of Judea that are in Christ.  They only heard the report: “The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.”  And they praised God because of me. Galatians 1: 15-24

Let us not forget that he had no “blue print” to follow, no formal or informal training on the Gospel he has to preach, but fourteen (14) books of the New Testaments were written by Apostle Paul. This is not a mean feat for a man who did not follow Jesus for 3-4 years, he did not sit with any of the apostles; he was personally unknown to the churches of Judea, STILL they heard the report of his works and teachings and they praised God because of him. This can only be achieved through the Holy Spirit that is working in Apostle Paul.

After Pentecost, the Holy Spirit turned the fearful disciples into fearless preachers. In this century also, the Holy Spirit turned Pastor Adeboye (a mathematician) into a town planner who built a whole town in addition to winning souls!!!

This should tell you that when God sends you, he gives you ALL that you need to excel. So, what is it that God has placed in your heart to do and you think that you don’t have the required skill?

Don’t forget what Jesus himself said:

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things John 14:26


Monday, 8 April 2013


This is a message to those God has favored enormously.

And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted to the heavens? No, you will go down to Hades. (Mathew 11:23) Do you know that Capernaum can be called Jesus’ 1st home when he started his ministry? When John was imprisoned, Jesus’ ministry started and I believe it started from his home.

In Capernaum Jesus healed the centurion’s servant; the centurion with the great faith. Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law, Jesus was crossing from Capernaum to Gadarenes when he calmed the storm and so much more as written in Mathew 8:16-17. When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. 17 This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah:

“He took up our infirmities
and bore our diseases.”[b]

Can you imagine what could have caused Jesus himself to curse Capernaum? Because as Jesus “1st born son” he expected great things from Capernaum but Capernaum did not repent. Jesus’ 1st set of anointing was used in Capernaum, He healed ALL the sick brought to Him, He passionately preached on the streets and even got some of his disciples from there!!! I know Capernaum occupy a special place in the heart of Jesus.

Are you Capernaum? Has the Most High blessed you enormously? Has He healed you in a miraculous way? Has he protected you and your family mightily? Do people call you blessed? But you know in your heart that it is not Christ that you follow.

I want you to know, that even as Christ loved Capernaum, he cursed it. So also, if you fail to follow Christ in Spirit and in Truth, all that you have can be taken away. Do not let His anger be kindled before you do the will of your Creator. What has He asked you to do and you are still dragging your feet and trying to negotiate?

YOU ALREADY HAVE THE GRACE, TO DO IT NOW!! And it shall be well with you in Jesus Name.

Thursday, 28 February 2013


Imagine you went into the strong room of the richest man in the world and stole $2 (Two Dollars). Is that not ridiculous? If you are to steal from such a rich man; are you not supposed to take what will turn you into a “local Champion” in your own neighborhood?

Unfortunately, the richest man in the world is a poor man compared to who some of us are stealing from; God! “Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me” Malachi 3:8

God owns the “cattle on a thousand hills”; the bible also says “the earth is the Lord and its fullness thereof”. Do you know what “its fullness thereof” means?  To my little knowledge, it means EVERYTHING in this world belongs to God! Wow! My imagination is running wild!!!

Why do we then rob God (and block our own blessing) by withholding that tiny part of our income? How do we think the 90% of our income will be insufficient in meeting our needs when you have read in the bible of;

·          5 loaves of Bread and 2 Fishes used to feed more than 5 thousand people

·         The small jar of oil that filled several bigger jars for the widow and her 2 sons’ survival.

·         Water turned to wine for wedding guests to be merry

to mention a few.

Please let us read Malachi 3: 8-12 and know what we have missed by withholding that tiny part of our income from God who promised to “throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it”. This will show us that we have been RIDICULOUS THIEVES. We have deprived ourselves from amazing gifts by robbing God.

Right now, let us go on our knees and ask God to forgive us for being thieves of our own blessings, let us ask God to open our hearts to give our tithes of 10% and even more than 10% regularly henceforth, let us also ask God to remind us of the amount we owe him so far and let us go into that safe, that account, in short, where we keep our monies and bring out that amount due to our God and take it to HIS HOUSE and we will see God manifest in everything concerning us.


Thursday, 31 January 2013


This has been waaay over due.

Even though I always start my prayers with thanks, it is really not like deep reflections resulting into thanksgiving.

Life has been various things to me and truly I have been “more than a conqueror”.

Looking back over the night, my whole life playing on my mind (*or what I can remember of it), I do not have any other word except “THANK YOU LORD”.

From the review of the divine gifts that I cannot quantify like salvation, waking, sleeping, wisdom, family, and so on, I look onwards to others……

Is it when you meet my needs ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS?

Is it the SEVERAL accidents that I escaped from by whiskers?

Is it the good people you brought into my life to lift me up?

Is it the bad people you brought into my life to make me tough?

Is it your awesomeness in my academics? When you showed me who is GOD?

Is it the journey of my career? When you made a way where EVERYBODY thought “there is nothing more we can do”?

For the JOY that FLOWS out of me no matter the circumstance.

For the TEARS that CLEARS my eyes during the storms of life.

For divine health, all year round over several years.

For lifting me up when down.

For the life and health of my loved ones ( family and friends.)

And others…………………………………………….


Monday, 14 January 2013


To you,

If you don’t know,

If you have not thought of it before,

Even if you don’t believe it,

You are special to God, to yourself and to (at least) one person out there.

You mean the whole world to someone (faults and all)

Someone smiles when they think of you (crazy or not)

Someone wish to buy you a drink

Someone wish to sit with you all day doing nothing.

Someone wants to discuss and argue out a topic with you

Someone does not mind that your English is not the “queen’s” type.

Someone wants to show you their outfit/hairstyle.

Someone heard a love song and thought of you with a smile

Someone wants you to acknowledge their effort at making your day.

Someone wish you will smile at them

Someone wish to wipe that frown off your face and replace it with a smile (Huggsss)

Someone loves what you look like. (mwah)

Someone misses you!!! (*sighs)

Wednesday, 9 January 2013


We have heard people ask the other person the question “Do you know who I am?” and I wonder if they are as connected as I am.

So, do you know that I am very connected worldwide?

·        I know the MD to Bank of Industry. When I need an industrial loan, it is easy.

·        I know the CEO of First bank plc. If I need a job, he can sack someone just to accommodate me.

·        I know the Chief Justice of International Court of Justice. If you harass me, you can face life imprisonment in the worst prison in the world.

·        I can request for the presidential jet to take me out. (See long leg!!!)

·        I can change the constitution of the United States of America.

·        No matter the location worldwide, if I need 50 acres, I will get it.

·        I know that bodyguard to the president. When I need his service, it could be free of charge.

·        I know everyone there is to know; from the highest to the lowest rank worldwide (we are all the same in the sight of God)

·        I know that farmer with the 500 hectares farm. When I need loads of farm produce, I might not pay.

·        The Bill Gates, George Bush and Oprah Winfrey(s) of this world are at my beck and call.

·        No matter the help. If I need it, I will get it.
All because I know the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, Maker of the world the One who gives “the uttermost part of the earth” to his children if they would just ask.

The world and all that is in it belong to the Lord; the earth and all who live on it are his. (Psalm 24:1)

What of you? Are you connected?