Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our
image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the
birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the
creatures that move along the ground.”
So God created mankind in his own image, in
the image of God he created them; male
and female he created them.Genesis 1: 26-27
I wonder what the story is behind this story. These
verses happened after the waters have been divided, fishes, birds and land
animals were created; in short, every means of sustenance available for human
I think that God looked at all he has created
and since he cannot eat it, he created the ULTIMATE CONSUMER…MAN (I like that
adjective!). I can also say that he had us in mind when he was making the earth
habitable. After preparing the environment, he then said what has been on his
mind “let us make mankind in our image…”
I have an artist friend (HI AARINOLA!) and I know
that before she paints, the image is already on her mind. Among other things, she
stretches/hooks her canvas on the frame, gets the appropriate colours and
brushes. She arranges the frame where there will be sufficient light, then
places her brush and paints near the palette for easy access. After painting,
she looooves her paintings. “Don’t scratch, don’t spill on, don’t nick” and so
on.. are the instructions she gives those getting close to it.
Now, relate this to God creating the brighter
and lesser light, arranging the earth (land and water), creating the fishes, birds,
trees, e.t.c. all in preparation of you and I; and you still wonder if God
loves you?
He instructed our food to be fruitful and multiply
just to ensure we do not starve and you think your survival depends exclusively
on your strength? He loves us so much he anticipates and meets our needs even
before we know it. As a mother prepares for the birth of her child, so he
prepared for our creation. Even after creating Adam, he saw Adam’s need and
said that It is not good that man should be
alone, which brought about the creation
of Eve.
I know, that in one way or the other, circumstances
have caused us to wonder about God’s love, we look around and see no end to our
despair (both real and imagined). I want us to know, that no matter where you
are, God is not far from you, but… are you far from God?
Get back to your creator and enjoy all he has
kept in store for you. Apart from blessings and sustenance, but also peace in
the storms of life.